Device for masking or covering substrates
Device for producing coatings by means of ion sputtering
Device for producing deeply desalted water
Device for providing high-intensity ion or electron beam
Device for reducing plasma etch damage and method for...
Device for sputter deposition of thin layers on flat substrates
Device for suppressing flashovers in cathode sputtering installa
Device for the cathode sputtering of a metal
Device for the elution of electrically-charged macromolecules
Device for the prevention of arcing in vacuum sputtering...
Device for the releasable fastening of a target or target base o
Device for the suppression of arcs
Device for the treatment of substrates at low temperature
Device for transferring a workpiece into and out from a vacuum c
Device permitting the spreading of one or several reagents on a
Devices containing aluminum-V semiconductor and method for makin
Devices for preparing substrates coated with a thin layer of pla
Diamond film synthesizing apparatus and method thereof using dir
Differential separation assay
Differentially-pumped material processing system