Integrated circuit packaging system with z-interconnects...
Integrated conformal shielding method and process using...
Integrated diamond carrier method for laser bar arrays
Integrated electro-optical package and method of fabrication
Integrated heat sink
Integrated heat spreader with intermetallic layer and method...
Integrated heat spreader, heat sink or heat pipe with...
Integrated micro channels and manifold/plenum using separate...
Integrated transistor module and method of fabricating same
Integrating a heat spreader with an interface material...
Interconnections for flip-chip using lead-free solders and...
Interconnections resistant to wicking
Internal package heat dissipator
Intrinsic thermal enhancement for FBGA package
Kinetically sprayed aluminum metal matrix composites for...
Laser diode and heatsink quick connect/disconnect assembly
Laser method for forming vias
Lead frame and integrated circuit package
Lead frame and method for fabricating resin-encapsulated...
Lead frame and method of manufacturing the same