Memory with 6T small aspect ratio cells having metal...
Memory with improved charge-trapping dielectric layer
Memory with recessed devices
Memory wordline hard mask
Memory wordline spacer
Merged bipolar and CMOS circuit and method
Merged memory and logic semiconductor device of salicided...
Merged memory and logic semiconductor device of salicided...
Merged MOS-bipolar capacitor memory cell
Mesa isolation technology for extremely thin...
Metal capacitor including lower metal electrode having...
Metal gate double diffusion MOSFET with improved switching...
Metal gate engineering for surface p-channel devices
Metal gate MOS transistors and methods for making the same
Metal gate MOSFET by full semiconductor metal alloy conversion
Metal gate stack with etch stop layer having implanted metal...
Metal gate stress film for mobility enhancement in FinFET...
Metal gate structure and method of manufacturing same
Metal gate transistor and method for fabricating the same
Metal gate transistor and polysilicon resistor and method...