H2 diffusion barrier formation by nitrogen incorporation in...
H2-based plasma treatment to eliminate within-batch and...
H2-or H2/N2-plasma treatment to prevent organic ILD degradation
Hafnium lanthanide oxynitride films
Hafnium tantalum oxynitride dielectric
HDP deposition hillock suppression method in integrated...
HDP process for high aspect ratio gap filling
HDP-CVD deposition process for filling high aspect ratio gaps
HDP-CVD deposition process for filling high aspect ratio gaps
HDP-CVD deposition process for filling high aspect ratio gaps
HDP-CVD method for forming passivation layers with enhanced...
HDPCVD process and method for improving uniformity of film...
He treatment to improve low-k adhesion property
Heat processing method and apparatus for semiconductor process
Heat treatment apparatus, heat treatment method, and...
Heat treatment of a tantalum oxide film
Hermetic cap layers formed on low-k films by plasma enhanced...
Hermetic silicon carbide
Hexakis(monohydrocarbylamino)disilanes and method for the...
High crack resistance nitride process