Microprocessor program addressing arrangement having...
Microprocessor systems and bus address translation methods
Microprocessor that performs speculative tablewalks
Microprocessor using TLB with tag indexes to access tag RAMs
Microprocessor with improved data stream prefetching using...
Microprocessor with non-aligned circular addressing
Microprocessor with non-aligned memory access
Microprocessor with non-aligned scaled and unscaled addressing
Microprocessor with virtual-to-physical address translation...
Migrating a traditional volume to a virtual volume in a...
Minimizing TLB comparison size
Mirror addressing in a DSP
Miss-under-miss processing and cache flushing
MMU descriptor having big/little endian bit to control the...
Mobile client computer system with flash memory management utili
Modified Harvard architecture processor having program...
Modified indirect addressing for file system
Modulo address generation method and apparatus
Modulo address generator for generating an updated address
Modulo address generator with precomputed comparison and correct