GaAs device having a strain-free c-doped layer
GaAs FET with resistive AlGaAs
GaAs substrate with compositionally graded AlGaAsSb buffer for f
GaAs substrate with Sb buffering for high in devices
GaAs-based semiconductor field-effect transistor
GaAs-InGaAs high electron mobility transistor
GaInP epitaxial stacking structure and fabrication method...
GaInP stacked layer structure and field-effect transistor...
GaInP/GaInAs/GaAs modulation-compositioned channel field-effect
Gallium antimonide complementary HFET
Gallium antimonide complementary HFET
Gallium arsenide antimonide (GaAsSB)/indium phosphide (InP)...
Gallium indium nitride arsenide based epitaxial wafer, a...
Gallium nitride device substrate containing a lattice...
Gallium nitride heterojunction schottky diode
Gallium nitride material devices and thermal designs thereof
Gallium nitride material devices including an...
Gallium nitride material structures including substrates and...
Gallium nitride material structures including substrates and...
Gallium nitride material transistors and methods associated...