Three dimensional integrated circuit
Three-dimensional cascaded power distribution in a...
Three-dimensional cascaded power distribution in a...
Three-dimensional cascaded power distribution in a...
Three-dimensional SRAM trench structure and fabrication method t
Transistor device including buried source
Transistor having improved gate structure
Transistor having multiple channels
Transverse junction field effect transistor
Two layer hermetic-like coating for on-wafer encapsulatuon of Ga
Two layer hermetic-like coating process for on-wafer encapsulati
Vacuum microelectronics device
Varying carrier mobility in semiconductor devices to achieve...
Velocity-modulation transistor with quantum well wire layer
Vertical field effect transistor and diode
Vertical gain cell
Vertical gallium nitride semiconductor device and epitaxial...
Vertical gate-depleted single electron transistor
Vertical JFET field effect transistor