Power trench transistor device source region formation using...
Pre-amorphization process for source/drain junction
Precisely tuning feature sizes on hard masks via plasma...
Precision analog metal-metal capacitor
Precision creation of inter-gates insulator
Premature breakdown in submicron device geometries
Preparation of composite high-K / standard-K dielectrics for...
Preserving TEOS hard mask using COR for raised source-drain...
Preventing boron penetration through thin gate oxide of P-channe
Preventing dielectric thickening over a channel area of a split-
Preventing dielectric thickening over a floating gate area...
Prevention of dopant out-diffusion during silicidation and...
Printing sublithographic images using a shadow mandrel and...
Procedure for eliminating bubbles formed during reflow of a diel
Procedure for forming a lightly-doped-drain structure using poly
Process and structure for embedded DRAM
Process conditions and precursors for atomic layer...
Process fabricating semiconductor device having two ion-implanta
Process flow for a performance enhanced MOSFET with...
Process flow for a performance enhanced MOSFET with...