Automated method and system for backtracing of instruction...
Automated method and system for selecting and procuring...
Automated method for testing cache
Automated method for the hierarchical and selective...
Automated metrology recipe generation
Automated migration of analog and mixed-signal VLSI design
Automated noise convergence for cell-based integrated...
Automated optimization of device structure during circuit...
Automated PCB checklist
Automated PCB manufacturing documentation release package...
Automated placement of signal distribution to diminish skew...
Automated positioning of relative instances along a given...
Automated processor generation system and method for...
Automated processor generation system for designing a...
Automated processor generation system for designing a...
Automated processor generation system for designing a...
Automated processor generation system for designing a...
Automated programmable process and method for the...
Automated register definition, builder and integration...
Automated repartitioning of hardware and software components...