NAND-type flash memory devices and methods of fabricating...
Nand-type non-volatile memory device
NAND-type non-volatile memory devices having a stacked...
NAND-type nonvolatile semiconductor memory device
NAND-type semiconductor storage device and method for...
Nano and MEMS power sources and methods thereof
NANO IC packaging
NANO IC packaging
Nano optical sensors via molecular self-assembly
Nano structure and method of manufacturing nano structure
Nano-based device and method
Nano-elastic memory device and method of manufacturing the same
Nano-laminate difussion barrier for direct electrochemical...
Nano-multiplication region avalanche photodiodes and arrays
Nano-scaled gate structure with self-interconnect capabilities
Nano-structure memory device
Nano-structures, process for preparing nano-structures and...
Nano-tube MOSFET technology and devices
Nano-wire capacitor and circuit device therewith
Nanochannel glass matrix used in making mesoscopic structures