Analog-to-digital converter and method of fabrication
Bandgap engineered mono-crystalline silicon cap layers for...
Bipolar device with silicon germanium (SiGe) base region
Bipolar transistor and method for fabricating the same
Bipolar transistor and method of fabricating a bipolar...
Bipolar transistor self-alignment with raised extrinsic base...
Bipolar transistor structure with self-aligned raised...
Bipolar transistor with lattice matched base layer
Bipolar transistor with self-aligned retrograde extrinsic...
Bipolar transistor with upper heterojunction collector and...
C implants for improved SiGe bipolar yield
Carbide emitter mask etch stop
CMOS gate structures fabricated by selective oxidation
Collector-up RF power transistor
Complementary Si/SiGe heterojunction bipolar technology
Device and method using isotopically enriched silicon
Discontinuity prevention for SiGe deposition
Double HBT base metal micro-bridge
Elimination of walkout in high voltage trench isolated devices
Emitter and method of making