Random slip generator
Range finding circuit for selecting a consecutive sequence of re
Rapid execution of FCMOV following FCOMI by storing...
Rapid execution of floating point load control word...
Rapid selection of oldest eligible entry in a queue
Re-configurable circuit and configuration switching method
Re-encoding illegal OP codes into a single illegal OP code...
Re-executing launcher program upon termination of launched...
Re-fetch of long operand buffered remainder after cache line...
Re-use of special purposed registers as general purpose...
Read crossbar elimination in a VLIW processor
Read-only access to CPO registers
Reading a selected register in a series of computational...
Reading and writing a memory element within a programmable...
Reading prediction outcomes within a branch prediction...
Real time debugger interface for embedded systems
Real-time processor executing predetermined operation...
Rearranging data between vector and matrix forms in a SIMD...
Recirculating register file
Reconfigurable apparatus and method for providing multiple...