Apparatus for pipelining sequential instructions in synchronism
Apparatus for the hierarchical and distributed control of...
Apparatus using a multiple instruction register logarithm...
Application-specific integrated circuit for processing...
Arithmetic processing architecture having a portion of...
ASIC control system and method
Audio, fax and modem capabilities with a digital signal...
Backplane system having high-density electrical connectors
Bit manipulation instructions
Bit-slice processing unit having M CPU's reading an N-bit width
Branch instruction having different field lengths for...
Can device featuring advanced can filtering and message...
Can microcontroller that permits concurrent access to...
Cascaded arithmetic pipeline data processor
Cascaded microcomputer array and method
Cellular automaton processing microprocessor prefetching...
Central processing unit and microcomputer having testing of circ
Central processing unit having instruction queue of 32-bit lengt
Central processing unit having instruction queue of 32-bit...
Central processing unit including APX and DSP cores which receiv