Clock tree synthesizer for balancing reconvergent and...
Clock-gating circuit insertion method, clock-gating circuit...
Clocked and non-clocked repeater insertion in a circuit design
Clocked gating based on measured performance
Clocktree tuning shims and shim tuning method
Cloned and original circuit shape merging
Closed-loop design for manufacturability process
Clustering circuit paths in electronic circuit design
Clustering for data compression
Clustering for data compression
Clustering techniques for faster and better placement of...
CMOS circuit leakage current calculator
CMOS inverter layout for increasing effective channel length
CMOS tapered gate and synthesis method
Coding of FPGA and standard cell logic in a tiling structure
Coding speed and correctness of hardware description...
Cold clock power reduction
Cold clock power reduction
Combination of ground devices in wiring harness designs
Combinational equivalence checking methods and systems with...