Frames locking method for packaging semiconductor chip
Ground plane for exposed package
Ground plane for plastic encapsulated integrated circuit die pac
Heterogeneous integrated high voltage DC/AC light emitter
High aspect ratio integrated circuit chip and method for produci
High bond line thickness for semiconductor devices
High current capacity semiconductor device housing
High reliability lead frame and packaging technology...
Horizontal package having die supports leads formed along lead c
IC having heat spreader attached by glob-topping
IC packaging lead frame for reducing chip stress and deformation
Increased I/O leadframe and semiconductor device including same
Individualized low parasitic power distribution lines...
Injection of encapsulating material on a optocomponent
Inset die lead frame configuration lead frame for a semiconducto
Integrated capacitor on the back of a chip
Integrated circuit (IC) carrier assembly incorporating...
Integrated circuit (IC) carrier assembly incorporating...
Integrated circuit carrier with recesses
Integrated circuit chip packaging assembly