High-voltage five-transistor static random access memory cell
High-voltage N-channel MOS transistor and associated manufacturi
Highly efficient segmented word line MRAM array
Highly integrated dynamic memory element
Highly integrated, high-speed memory with bipolar transistors
Highly stable asymmetric SRAM cell
Highly stable semiconductor memory with a small memory cell area
Historical information storage for integrated circuits
Hot-carrier-based nonvolatile memory utilizing differing...
Hot-carrier-based nonvolatile memory utilizing differing...
Hybrid circuit having nanotube electromechanical memory
Hybrid circuit having nanotube electromechanical memory
Hybrid circuit having nanotube electromechanical memory
Hybrid circuit having nanotube memory cells
Hybrid CMOS-bipolar memory cell
Hybrid device, memory apparatus using such hybrid devices...
Hybrid magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM)...
Hybrid memory cell for spin-polarized electron current...
Hybrid memory cell for spin-polarized electron current...
Hybrid memory cell for spin-polarized electron current...