TAP with enable input gated and multiplexed mode select
TAP with select output from one of IR and DR
Tap with separate scan cell in series with instruction register
TAP, ST, lockout, and IR SO enable output data control
Tap-selectable reduced state sequence estimator
Tapping a memory card
Target control abstraction for debugging embedded systems
Target debugging application on digital signal processor...
Target device-specific syntax and semantic analysis for a...
Target value search circuit, taget value search method, and...
Targeted data protection
Targeted fault tolerance by special CPU instructions
TCAM BIST with redundancy
TCAM BIST with redundancy
Technical support chain automation with guided self-help...
Technical support for software products
Technique for automatically generating a software test plan
Technique for combining scan test and memory built-in self test
Technique for combining scan test and memory built-in self test
Technique for correcting errors in position encoders