Semiconductor integrated circuits with power reduction...
Semiconductor integrated circuits with power reduction...
Semiconductor memory device having output drive and delay unit
Signal receiver in an interface
Signal transmission system
Slew rate limited output driver
Soft error immunity in CMOS circuits with large shared diffusion
Suppressing the leakage current in an integrated circuit
Surface light source panel for uniform luminance
Switched backgate bias for FET
Switched substrate bias for logic circuits
System and method for isolation of varying-power backed memory c
System and method for power gating
System architectures for and methods of scheduling on-chip...
Systems and methods for current management for digital logic...
Systems and methods for current management for digital logic...
Systems and methods for detecting terminal state and setting...
Technique for efficient logic power gating with data...
Temperature adaptive refresh clock generator for refresh...
Temperature and supply insensitive TTL or CMOS to 0/-5 V transla