Processor instruction control mechanism capable of decoding regi
Processor system having accelerator of Java-type of...
Processor which overrides default operand size for implicit...
Processor which overrides default operand size for implicit...
Processor with different width functional units ignoring...
Processor with enhanced instruction set
Processor with instruction qualifiers to control MMU operation
Processor, compiling apparatus, and compile program recorded...
Processors operable to allow flexible instruction alignment
Program execution method and program execution device
Reconfigurable CPU with second FSM control unit executing...
Reducing the length of lower level instructions by splitting...
Register file access
Register move instruction for section select of source operand
Register move instruction for section select of source operand
Register set extension for compressed instruction set
Removing local RAM size limitations when executing software...
Replacing displacement in control transfer instruction with enco
Secondary trace build from a cache of translations in a...
Secure execution of program instructions provided by network...