False exception for cancelled delayed requests
Fast and accurate cache way selection
Fast exception processing
Fast hardware looping mechanism for cache cleaning and...
Fast invalidation for cache coherency in distributed shared...
Fast invalidation scheme for caches
Fast lane prefetching
Fast linear tag validation unit for use in microprocessor
Fault detection and automatic recovery apparatus or write-read p
FIFO control circuit
FIFO memory devices and methods of operating FIFO memory...
FIFO memory devices having multi-port cache and extended...
FIFO memory devices having multi-port cache memory arrays...
FIFO memory system determining full empty using predetermined ad
FIFO write/LIFO read trace buffer with software and hardware...
File server having a file system cache and protocol for truly sa
File system for caching web proxies
Fileserver buffer manager based on file access operation statist
Filtering basic instruction segments in a processor...
Filtering snooped operations