Human ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme
Human ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes
Human uridine disphosphate galactose-4-epimerase
Human uridine kinase
Human uterine tissue plasminogen activator produced by recombina
Humicola lipase produced in aspergillus
HY2 family of bilin reductases
Hyaluronan synthase gene and uses thereof
Hyaluronan synthase gene and uses thereof
Hyaluronan synthase gene and uses thereof
Hyaluronidase from the Hirudinaria manillensis isolation,...
Hybrid plasminogen activator
Hybrid polyketide synthases and novel loading domains
Hybrid prokaryotic polypeptides produced by in vivo homologous r
Hybrid proteins of active-site serine β-lactamase
Hybrid tissue plasminogen activator/urokinase polypeptides
Hydantoinase variants with improved properties and their use...
Hydrogen peroxide-forming sarcosine oxidase
Hydrolase purified from human plasma
Hydrolytic enzyme inhibitors/inactivators and methods for using