Two-layer electrical substrate for optical devices
Two-layer electrical substrate for optical devices
Ultra low dark current pin photodetector
Ultra thin back-illuminated photodiode array structures and...
Ultra-high-speed photoconductive devices using semi-insulating l
Ultra-sensitive detection techniques
Ultra-thin MO-C film transistor
Ultra-thin piezoelectric resonator
Ultrasensitive photodetector with integrated pinhole for...
Ultrasonic transducer device
Ultraviolet detecting device and manufacturing method...
Ultraviolet detecting device and manufacturing method...
Ultraviolet sensor
Uncooled amorphous YBaCuO thin film infrared detector
Uncooled amorphous YBaCuO thin film infrared detector
Uncooled ybacuo thin film infrared detector
Uncooled YBaCuO thin film infrared detector
Unerasable electronic programmable read only memory (UPROM.TM.)
Unipolar spin diode and the applications of the same
Unipolar spin transistor and the applications of the same