Compression-type power semiconductor device
Conductivity modulated MOSFET
Conductivity modulation type insulated gate field effect transis
Conductivity modulation type MISFET and a control circuit thereo
Conductivity-modulated semiconductor device with high breakdown
Conductivity-modulating MOSFET
Conductivity-modulation metal oxide semiconductor field effect t
Conductivity-modulation semiconductor
Connecting device for power semiconductor modules with...
Constant-voltage diode for over-voltage protection
Controllable power semiconductor component
Controllable power semiconductor element with buffer zone and me
Controllable semiconductor component
Controlled turn-off power semiconductor device
Controlled-turn-off high-power semiconductor component
Crosstalk reduction in a crosspoint thyristor switching...
Current limiter component
Current-jump-control circuit including abrupt...
DC-DC converter implemented in a land grid array package
Deactivatable thyristor