System and method for controlling the access and refresh of...
System and method for hiding refresh cycles in a dynamic...
System and method for performing partial array self-refresh...
System and method for performing partial array self-refresh...
System and method for performing partial array self-refresh...
System and method for performing wake-up operations to a memory
System and method for power saving memory refresh for...
System and method for power saving memory refresh for...
System and method for providing asynchronous SRAM...
System and method for quick self-refresh exit with...
System and method for quick self-refresh exit with...
System and method for reducing power consumption during...
System and method for reducing power consumption during...
System and method for reducing power consumption during...
System and method for refreshing a DRAM device
System and method for refreshing a dynamic memory device
System and method for requesting access to a computer memory for
System for driving a dynamic random access memory device
System for operating volatile memory in normal and standby modes