Rear earth-iron-boron permanent magnets containing aluminum
Recording material
Recovery and recycle of nitrate and nitrite salts from chloride
Recovery of fragile layers produced on substrates by chemical va
Recovery-annealed cold-reduced plain carbon steels and methods o
Recrystallization of metal alloy sheet with convection and...
Recrystallization-hardenable aluminum cast alloy and component
Recrystallized three dimensional integrated circuit
Rectangular hysteresis magnetic alloy
Reduced beta vertical transistors and method of fabrication
Reduced field implant for dynamic memory cell array
Reduced lead bismuth yellow brass
Reducing dislocations in semiconductors utilizing repeated therm
Reducing gun erosion by transfer and diffusion coating
Reducing magnetic hysteresis losses in cores of thin tapes of so
Reducing the reverse recovery charge of thyristors by nuclear ir
Reducing the switching time of semiconductor devices by neutron
Reducing the switching time of semiconductor devices by nuclear
Reduction of contact resistance in CMOS integrated circuit chips
Reduction of leakage current in InGaAs diodes