Dough product rolling apparatus and method for rolling dough...
Dough pump with degassing system
Dough punch and method of use
Dough rolling method and apparatus with air-film lubricated chut
Easy open dough distribution manifold
Edible containers and methods of making the same
Extended shelf life noodle product and process of manufacture
Flat bread grill
Folded article preparation from plastic material sheets
High efficiency infrared oven
High production method for forming filled edible products
High volume dough piece production method
High-speed extrudate weaving assembly and methods
Horizontal extrusion of edge rippled snack product
Induction cooking structure and system and method of using...
Manufacture of pasta
Masa sheeting process with product length control
Mat device and method of use
Method and apparatus for baking foods in a barbeque grill
Method and apparatus for continuously cutting and discharging a