Sausage products having improved physical properties and method
Shaped cheese reconstruction with transglutaminase
Shelf-stable aerosol dispensable yogurt products
Shelf-stable low-fat biologically fermented dairy product
Simulated milk protein replacer of improved suspension character
Snack food product and method of preparing same
Soft cream cheese product
Soft ice cream and process for production thereof
Soft, unripened cheese
Soluble waste conversion process and pasteurized proteinaceous p
Sonic process for converting proteinaceous raw materials in situ
Spoonable soured low-fat non-dairy creams
Spreadable cheese having characteristics of crescenza cheese
Stabilization of cooked meat and meat-vegetable compositions...
Stabilization of cooked meat compositions stabilized by...
Stabilization of cream cheese compositions using nisin-producing
Stabilization of fermented dairy compositions using whey from ni
Stabilization of mayonnaise spreads using whey from nisin-produc
Stabilization of milk and improved cheese yields
Stabilized biologically active compounds contained in coated mic