Register selection circuitry receiving select signals from...
Reinstate apparatus and method to recreate data background...
Relative dynamic skew compensation of parallel data lines
Relative position and/or posture measuring system for...
Relative position and/or posture measuring system for...
Relay device and corresponding method
Relay station for wireless communication traffic
Relay transmission method and system, and device used thereof
Relay-assisted HARQ transmission system
Reliability monitor for a memory array
Reliability-based type-II hybrid ARQ scheme
Reliable communication between multi-processor clusters of...
Reliable message transmission with packet-level resend
Reliable method and system for efficiently transporting...
Reliable wafer-scale integrated computing systems
Relocatable storage protect keys for system main memory
Relocating unreliable disk sectors when encountering disk...
Relocating unreliable disk sectors when encountering disk...
Remote BIST high speed test and redundancy calculation
Remote BIST high speed test and redundancy calculation