Programmable array interconnect network
Programmable array logic circuit employing non-volatile...
Programmable array logic circuit employing non-volatile...
Programmable array logic circuit employing non-volatile...
Programmable array logic circuit macrocell using...
Programmable array logic circuit whose product and input...
Programmable asynchronous pipeline arrays
Programmable buffer circuit and a mask ROM device having the sam
Programmable bus hold circuit and method of using the same
Programmable cell with a programmable component outside the sign
Programmable circuit optionally configurable as a lookup...
Programmable circuit with fusible latch
Programmable circuit with preview function
Programmable circuits
Programmable clock manager for a programmable logic device that
Programmable clock manager for a programmable logic device that
Programmable control multiplexing for input/output blocks (IOBs)
Programmable crossbar signal processor used in image processing
Programmable crossbar signal processor with input/output tip...
Programmable crossbar signal processor with rectification layer