Scheduler for avoiding bank conflicts in issuing concurrent...
Scoreboarding for DRAM access within a multi-array DRAM device u
SDRAM address translator
Search memory, memory search controller, and memory search...
Secure memory management unit which uses multiple...
Self-contained memory apparatus having diverse types of memory a
Semiconductor device
Semiconductor device with auto address allocation means for...
Semiconductor memory device
Semiconductor memory device having a plurality of bank...
Semiconductor memory having an arithmetic function and a termina
SONET data byte switch
Specialized memory device
Stackable dual mode (registered/unbuffered) memory interface...
Storage area network methods and apparatus for...
Storage device with transaction logging capability
Synchronous SRAMs having multiple chip select inputs and a stand
Synchronous SRAMs having multiple chip select inputs and a stand
System and method featuring a controller device and a memory...
System and method for accessing data between a host bus and syst