Matrix type bus connection system and power reduction method...
Measuring utilization of individual components of channels
Mechanism for allowing PCI-PCI bridges to cache data without...
Mechanism for data strobe pre-driving during master changeover o
Mechanism for efficiently processing deferred order-dependent me
Mechanism for high bandwidth DMA transfers in a PCI environment
Mechanism for implementing bus locking with a mixed...
Mechanism for managing multiple out-of-order packet streams...
Mechanism for optimizing transaction retries within a system...
Mechanism for PCI I/O-initiated configuration cycles
Mechanism for preserving producer-consumer ordering across...
Mechanism for supporting self-modifying code in a harvard...
Mechanism to disable dynamically a computer audio...
Mechanism to expand address space of a serial bus
Mechanism to flexibly support multiple device numbers on...
Mechanism to flexibly support multiple device numbers on...
Mechanism to repeat signals across an unrelated link
Media access controller with power-save mode
Media access controller with power-save mode
Media card command pass through methods