12C bus expansion apparatus and method therefor
12C slave device with programmable write-transaction cycles
12C/SMBus ladders and ladder enabled ICs
16 bit bios interrupt calls under 32 bit protected mode applicat
1:N protection switching architecture for common processing...
32 Bit generic asynchronous bus interface using read/write...
32 bit generic asynchronous bus interface using read/write...
32 bit generic bus interface using read/write byte enables
40/80-core cable discriminating method and system performing...
4:2 compressor circuit for use in an arithmetic unit
Abitration circuit providing stable operation regardless of...
Abnormal status detecting method of interrupt pins
Abort of DRAM read ahead when PCI read multiple has ended
Absorbing jitter during data transmission between...
Accelerated data switching on symmetric multiprocessor...
Accelerated error detection in a bus bridge circuit
Accelerated file system that recognizes and reroutes...
Accelerated graphics port (AGP) controller supporting fast...
Accelerated tape backup restoration
Accelerating input/output (IO) throughput on solid-state...