Virtual ground flash cell with asymmetrically placed source and
Virtual ground single transistor memory cell, memory array...
Virtual-ground, split-gate flash memory cell arrangements...
VLSI capacitors and high Q VLSI inductors using metal-filled via
VLSI device with global planarization
VLSI ROM programmed by selective diode formation
VLSIC semiconductor memory device with cross-coupled inverters w
Volatile memory cell with interface charge traps
Voltage controlled resistance modulation for single event...
Voltage controlled resistive device
Voltage generator for electrically programmable non-volatile mem
Voltage level detecting circuit
Voltage limiting device having improved gate-aided breakdown
Voltage limiting protection for high frequency power device
Voltage nonlinear resistor, method for fabricating the same,...
Voltage variable capacitor
Voltage variable capacitor with improved C-V linearity
Voltage-clamped power accumulation-mode MOSFET
Voltage-clipping device with high breakdown voltage
Voltage-controlled amplifier for a signal processing system