Electron microscope comprising an energy analyzer
Electron microscope with an energy filter having hexapole...
Electron spectrometer
Electron spectrometer
Electron spectrometer
Electron Spectrometer
Electron spectroscopic analyzer using X-rays
Electron spectroscopy analyzer and a method of correcting a shif
Electron spectroscopy system for chemical analysis of electrical
Electron transmissive window usable with high pressure...
Electron-impact spectrometer
Electron/ion gun for electron or ion beams with high...
Electronic spectrometer for identifying element conditions of a
Electrostatic charge measurement method, focus adjustment...
Electrostatic charged-particle analyzer
Electrostatic deflector with generally cylindrical configuration
Electrostatic energy analysis
Electrostatic opposing field spectrometer for electron beam test
Element mapping unit, scanning transmission electron...
Endpoint detection for the patterning of layered materials