Phytoglycogen coated food and process of preparing
Pie having a microwave brownable crust and method of baking same
Pinwheel lollipop
Pizza cone with filling
Pizza crust and process and apparatus for making same
Pizza crust and process for production thereof
Pizza pie and pie making methods
Pizza pie with concentric rings of crust
Pizza pop-up toaster product
Pizza-type product having an increased length of exposed crust e
Plated meal with individually frozen ingredients and method...
Plated meal with individually frozen ingredients and method...
Polydextrose as a fat absorption inhibitor in fried foods
Polymeric capsules, method of making the same, and foodstuffs co
Potato and other food products coated with edible oil barrier fi
Potato-based food products tolerable by gluten-intolerant...
Powder composition for soft drink
Powder product and a method for its preparation
Powder- and tablet-form salt- and fat-containing food products
Pre-baked microwaveable pastry systems