Structured integrated circuit device
Structured integrated circuit device
Structures and methods for distributing high-fanout signals...
Structures and methods for reducing power consumption in...
Structures and methods of implementing a pass gate...
Structures and methods providing columns of tightly coupled...
Structures and methods providing columns of tightly coupled...
Swap MUX to relieve logic device input line stress
Switch matrix circuit, logical operation circuit, and switch...
Switch matrix circuit, logical operation circuit, and switch...
Symmetric logic block input/output scheme
Symmetric logic block input/output scheme
Symmetrical, extended and fast direct connections between...
Synchronous dual port RAM
Synchronous first-in/first-out block memory for a field...
Synchronous first-in/first-out block memory for a field...
Synchronous first-in/first-out block memory for a field...
Synchronous first-in/first-out block memory for a field...
Synchronous first-in/first-out block memory for a field...
Synthesis-friendly FPGA architecture with variable length and va