Apparatus, method, and computer program for resource request...
Applications of operating mode dependent error signal...
Arbitration and select logic for accessing a shared memory
Arbitration apparatus utilizing mutlilevel priority for...
Arbitration system and method
Architecture for creating and maintaining virtual filers on...
Architecture for creating and maintaining virtual filers on...
Architectures for self-contained, mobile, memory programming
Asynchronous access system controlling processing modules making
Asynchronous access system to a shared storage
Asynchronous, dual-port, RAM-based FIFO with bi-directional addr
Asynchronous, independent and multiple process shared memory...
Asynchronous, independent and multiple process shared memory...
Atomic operation in remote storage and device for executing this
Atomic read/write support in a multi-module memory...
Atomic read/write support in a multi-module memory...
Atomic read/write support in a multi-module memory...
Augmented instruction set for proactive synchronization...
Automatic detection and correction of relatively rearranged...