MOS controlled thyristor
MOS gate controlled thyristor
MOS gate controlled thyristor
MOS gate controlled thyristor having improved turn on/turn off c
MOS gated thyristor having on-state current saturation capabilit
MOS gated thyristor with remote turn-off electrode
MOS semiconductor component having improved transmission propert
MOS semiconductor device having a main unit element and a sense
MOS transistor for protection against electrostatic discharge
MOS transistor with an integrated protection zener diode
MOS varactor structure with engineered voltage control range
MOS-controlled high-power thyristor
MOS-controlled high-power thyristor
MOS-controlled power semiconductor component for high voltages
MOS-controlled thyristor
MOS-controlled thyristor MCT
MOS-controlled thyristor using a source cathode elecrode as the
MOS-controlled thyristor with current saturation characteristics
MOS-controlled thyristor with non-planar geometry
MOS-gate-turnoff thyristor