Synthesis of 8-substituted xanthines
Synthesis of a 3,4-dihydroxy-1-cyclopentanylpurinone
Synthesis of a 3,4-dihydroxy-1-cyclopentanylpurinone from a 2,3-
Synthesis of acyclic nucleoside derivatives
Synthesis of purine derivatives
Synthesis of purine locked nucleic acid analogues
Synthesis of purine substituted cyclopentene derivatives
Synthons for the synthesis and deprotection of peptide nucleic a
Theophylline antigens and antibodies
Theophylline derivatives
Theophylline derivatives
Theophylline magnesium salicylate
Therapeutic agent for Parkinson's disease
Transglycosilation process for producing acyclic nucleosides
Use of theophylline derivatives for the treatment and...
Use of xanthine derivatives for the treatment of nerve damage fo
Xanthine derivatives
Xanthine derivatives
Xanthine derivatives
Xanthine derivatives with adenosine-antagonistic activity