Salts of basic caffeine-8-ethers and their use as pharmaceutical
Selective adenosine receptor agents
Substituted long chain alcohol xanthine compounds
Syntheses of acyclic guanine nucleosides
Syntheses of acyclic guanine nucleosides
Synthesis and purification of valacyclovir
Synthesis of 8-substituted xanthines
Synthesis of a 3,4-dihydroxy-1-cyclopentanylpurinone
Synthesis of a 3,4-dihydroxy-1-cyclopentanylpurinone from a 2,3-
Synthesis of acyclic nucleoside derivatives
Synthesis of purine derivatives
Synthesis of purine locked nucleic acid analogues
Synthesis of purine substituted cyclopentene derivatives
Synthons for the synthesis and deprotection of peptide nucleic a