Labelled nucleotides
Labelled nucleotides
Labelled oligonucleotides synthesized on solid-supports
Labelled oligonucleotides synthesized on solid-supports
Labelling compounds for the simple synthesis of...
Labile anchors for solid phase polynucleotide synthesis
Lactam nucleic acids
Lactam nucleic acids
Lactam-containing compositions and methods useful for the extrac
Lactide modified starch derivatives and the process of...
Lactobacilli harboring aggregation gene as a vaccine delivery ve
Lactobacillus acidophilus nucleic acid sequences encoding...
Lactobacillus acidophilus nucleic acid sequences encoding...
Lactoferrin receptor genes of Moraxella
Lactoferrin receptor genes of Moraxella
Lactoneotrehalose, and its preparation and uses
Lactosamine oligosaccharide and method for producing the same
Ladder copolymers
Lafora's disease gene
Lafora's disease gene