Multiplex gene regulation
Murine expression of a human IgA lambda locus
Murine model for human carcinoma
Mutagenesis testing using transgenic non-human animals carrying
Mutant mice having a deficit of functional estrogen receptors
Mutant mouse containing a knockout mutation in DNA encoding...
Mutant mouse having a disrupted TNFRp55
Mutant mouse lacking CD8 surface marker
Mutant mouse lacking the expression of interferon regulatory fac
Mutant RAG-1 deficient animals having no mature B and T lymphocy
Mutated gene coding for a lat protein and the biological...
Mutation in the rat adenomatous polyposis coli gene within...
Mx-1 conditionally immortalized cells
N-calcium channel knockout animal
Nav2 channel gene-deficient mice
Nematodes as model organisms for the investigation of...
Nematodes as model organisms for the investigation of...
Nephropathy-associated gene
Neurodegenerative non-human transgenic mammal expressing...
Neurodegenerative non-human transgenic mammal expressing...