Reduced power consumption bi-directional buffer
Reduced power consumption clock network
Reduced RFI power pulse modulator
Reduced sensitivity power-on reset circuitry
Reduced short current circuit
Reduced skew control block clock distribution network
Reduced skew differential receiver
Reduced voltage pre-charge multiplexer
Reduced voltage swing digital differential driver
Reduced-size integrated phase-locked loop
Reduced-transistor, double-edged-triggered, static flip flop
Reduced-undershoot CMOS output buffer with delayed...
Reducing crowbar current in a latch hysteresis receiver
Reducing metastable-induced errors from a frequency detector...
Reducing power and area consumption of gated clock enabled...
Reducing power consumption variability of precharge-pulldown...
Reducing voltage variation in a phase locked loop
Reduction of electromagnetic interference for differential...
Reduction of offset voltage in current mirror circuit
Reduction of propagation delay dependence on supply voltage...