Programmable driver for an I/O pin of an integrated circuit
Programmable driving circuit
Programmable function block
Programmable function block
Programmable function device and memory cell therefor
Programmable function generator and method operating as...
Programmable function generator and method operating as...
Programmable function unit as parallel multiplier cell
Programmable function unit with programmable fast ripple logic
Programmable functional device having ferroelectric material
Programmable functional device having ferroelectric material
Programmable gate array
Programmable gate array
Programmable gate array and embedded circuitry...
Programmable gate array apparatus and method for switching...
Programmable gate array apparatus and method for switching...
Programmable gate array based on configurable metal...
Programmable gate array device
Programmable gate array for relay ladder logic
Programmable gate array having interconnecting logic to...