Scanning modified data during power loss
Scarfing within a hierarchical memory architecture
Scatter-gather intelligent memory architecture for...
Scattering and gathering data for faster processing
Schedulable dynamic memory pinning
Scheduler for avoiding bank conflicts in issuing concurrent...
Scheduling data frames for processing: apparatus, system and...
Scheduling of background scrub commands to reduce high...
Scheduling of housekeeping operations in flash memory systems
Scheduling of housekeeping operations in flash memory systems
Scheduling of reclaim operations in non-volatile memory
Scheduling random I/O for data storage tape
Scheme for implementing breakpoints for on-chip ROM code...
Scheme for optimal settings for DDR interface
Scheme for reordering instructions via an instruction...
Scheme for securing a memory subsystem or stack
Scheme for segregating cacheable and non-cacheable by port...
Scheme to partition a large lookaside buffer into an L2...
Schmoo runtime reduction and dynamic calibration based on a...
Scope-based cache coherence