System for dynamically determining the size and number of commun
System for executing a current information transfer request...
System for facilitating interfacing between multiple...
System for generating buffer status flags by comparing read and
System for handling streaming information using a plurality...
System for I/O interfacing for semiconductor chip utilizing...
System for indicating status of a buffer based on a write addres
System for interposing a multi-port internally cached DRAM...
System for loading a saved write pointer into a read pointer...
System for maintaining proper buffering within video play list
System for operating a circulating memory which can be...
System for providing cell bus management in a switch...
System for receiving an isochronous data stream at a...
System for recirculation of communication transactions in data p
System for reducing the number of requests presented to a...
System for selectively incrementing a count number of an...
System for sharing data buffers from a buffer pool
System for storing each of streams of data bits corresponding fr
System for storing new messages in both full-length and abbrevia
System for storing streaming information in a circular...