Production of alpha-alpha cross-linked hemoglobins in high yield
Production of alpha-alpha cross-linked hemoglobins in high yield
Production of antisera specific to major histocompatibility comp
Production of motif-specific and context-independent...
Production of motif-specific and context-independent...
Production of procoagulant proteins
Products of coupling biological substances by covalent bonds
Prolonged-action immunotoxins containing a glycopeptide constitu
Prorenin antibody and renin-active substance containing the same
Prostaglandin D synthase-specific monoclonal antibody
Prostate cell surface antigen-specific antibodies
Prostate cell surface antigen-specific antibodies
Prostate-specific kallikrein
Protease inhibitor conjugates and antibodies useful in...
Protection against liver damage by HGF
Protective anti-glucan antibodies with preference for...
Protein A domain mutants
Protein belonging to the TNF superfamily involved in signal...
Protein C or activated protein C-like molecules
Protein C or activated protein C-like molecules