Marine bacterial strain of the genus vibrio, water-soluble...
Marine melA gene
Marker and an assay for detection and monitoring of human immuno
Marker and immunological reagent for dialysis-related amyloidosi
Marker and reagent for diabetes mellitus and diabetes mellitus c
Marker assisted identification of a gene associated with a...
Marker assisted selection of bovine for improved milk...
Marker at the estrogen receptor gene for determination of osteop
Marker for antidepressant therapy and methods related thereto
Marker for antidepressant therapy and methods related thereto
Marker for cerebral apoplexy
Marker for colorectal carcinoma and methods of detecting the sam
Marker for early detection of human hydatidiform moles and chori
Marker for individuals susceptible to alcoholism
Marker for inflammatory conditions
Marker for inflammatory conditions
Marker for male infertility and/or fertility
Marker for neuromyelitis optica
Marker for pathologies comprising an auto-immune reaction and/or
Marker for prolonged rupture of membranes