Soybean raffinose synthase and a method for producing raffinose
Soybean raffinose synthase and a method for producing raffinose
Specialized oligonucleotides and their use in nucleic acid...
Species specific DNA sequences and their utilization in...
Species-specific detection of Mycobacterium kansasii
Species-specific PCR assay for detection of Leishmania...
Species-specific probes for identification of target virus...
Species-specific probes for identification of target virus...
Species-specific, genus-specific and universal DNA probes...
Species-specific, genus-specific and universal DNA probes...
Specific and sensitive nucleic acid detection method
Stabilization of enzymes useful in the production of glucosone a
Stabilization of glucose isomerase
Stabilization of intracellular enzymes
Stabilization of nucleic acid amplification cocktails
Stabilized compositions of reverse transcriptase and RNA polymer
Stabilized enzyme compositions for nucleic acid amplification
Stable biodegradable, high water absorbable polyglutamic...
Stable gene preparations
Stable high viscosity starch based adhesive and method of prepar