IceA gene and related methods
Identification and characterization of inhibtors of protein farn
Identification and modification of immunodominant epitopes...
Identification and molecular cloning of a gene encoding a fibron
Identification and quantification of a plurality of...
Identification and quantification of a plurality of...
Identification of oligonucleotides for the capture,...
Identification of oligonucleotides for the capture,...
Immobilization of an enzyme substrate
Immobilization of biocatalysts on granular carbon
Immobilization of biocatalysts on granular diatomaceous earth
Immobilization of enzyme on a fibrous matrix
Immobilization of enzymes with a cross-linking agent and a polym
Immobilization of microogranisms on weakly basic anion exchange
Immobilization of starch degrading enzymes
Immobilized carbohydrate biosensor
Immobilized carbohydrate biosensor
Immobilized cyclodextrin glucosyltransferase composition for the
Immobilized enzymes, processes for preparing same, and use there
Immobilized glucose isomerase containing microbial cells